Another death certificate, another mystery solved.
I posted about Hedger C. Pierce back in October in a “Madness Monday” post. I had thought that his father was probably a William Pierce, son of Ward Pierce. William had a son that seemed to fit Hedger’s age (it was the 1830 census) and I had seen from some other family trees that William was listed as a son of a Ward Pierce. Hedger named his son Ward, so I thought that there might be a connection there.
I was pleasantly surprised at how quickly I heard back from the New Jersey State Archives this time around. I remember ordering a few things from them about 10 years ago and waiting for a VERY long time before I heard back. (I ordered his death certificate along with those things but they weren’t able to find it, since I didn’t have an exact date).
Anyway, the death certificate arrived and my mystery is solved.
Hedger’s father is Ward Pierce. Unfortunately, his mother is not listed. More research to do…
So, it looks like it is a possibility that the man I thought was Hedger’s father may actually have been his brother!
I’m so happy that I now have some answers and I can continue my research!! 🙂