When I first started doing genealogy almost 12 years ago, I didn’t have a lot of information beyond my great-grandparents’ names. (Which I realize is more than some people have to start with!).
I dove into it with a lot of enthusiasm, but looking back, I realize that in my effort to get back to the next generation (and the next and the next), I skipped a lot of good stuff along the way.
I realized this last night, as I did a few quick searches and soon had a wealth of information about my great-grandmother’s siblings – whom I had known very little about.
I had their birth dates and places, but not much beyond that.
And now I have found out that my great-grandmother was not the only one of her siblings who immigrated to the U.S. from Sweden. It looks like the majority of them did. She was just isolated in Seattle, while most of her family was living in Boston!!
So, expect to see quite a few posts about the Klarstrom family in the near future!! 🙂