First, I hope you all had a very Happy St. Patrick’s Day – Irish or not. 🙂 I managed to take the kids downtown to the parade. It was crowded,but fun! Here is one of my little leprechauns.
One of the most interesting things about the parade was that there seems to be a tradition that women put on very dark lipstick and then run out and kiss the soldiers, policemen, firemen, etc. that are marching by. I wonder how long this has been going on. And do they do this everywhere or is it a Savannah thing?
On to this week’s reads:
- Greta from Greta’s Genealogy Bog had me rolling on the floor. You have to read her post, “Top Ten Scenes I’d Like to See on Who Do You Think You Are?” So true, so true!!
- Have you tried Mocavo yet? It’s a new genealogy search engine. I’m impressed with how quick the search results come up. It’s definitely worth a try!
- The March/April issue of Shades of the Departed is out. This issue is all about politics!!
- Cherie over at Have You Seen My Roots? has her third installment of “Some People Just Can’t Be Good“. We all have some naughty ancestors in there somewhere, don’t we?
- I love Professor Dru’s maternal ancestor graphic. Head over to Find Your Folks to check it out.
- You have to read Randy Seaver’s “Censuswhacking on St. Patrick’s Day“. There are times I’m very thankful for my normal name.
- Cindy at Generations of Germans posted about her grandmother’s recollections of the Spanish Flu. Very sad. 🙁 Was your family hit?