We are going on a much-needed family vacation this week!!
And we’re not visiting anyone. Not that I don’t like to go and visit people, because I do – especially since we live so far from everyone we know. But the truth is, we always take leave to go see people and we rarely go on vacation simply to relax and get away.
No genealogy will be done on this vacation either, because I’m not related to Mickey or Donald or Goofy. Well, maybe Goofy. 🙂
By the time you read this, we’ll be enjoying Disney World with the kids.
They’ve never been before, so they’re pretty darn excited. And honestly we are too. Everybody loves Disney World, right?
But after a few days walking around the parks with 5 little kids, going on dizzying rides and a whole lot of waiting in line, we’re going to need a vacation from our vacation. Am I the only one that ever feels this way?
So, after our days at Disney, we’re driving down to Key West. Just because we can.
And so, I’ll leave you with a picture from my childhood.
We lived in Southern California for a brief time (my dad had a temporary job there and we kept our house in Washington). We felt like we were on one big vacation. Sea World. The San Diego Zoo. Tijuana. And of course, Disney Land. This is me, my sister, and one of my brothers with Mickey (I’m on the right). I believe this was the summer of 1984.
What fun memories. I’m glad that I’ll be making some of these with my own kids this week. 🙂