Wow, I’m getting this one in at the last second. 🙂
We’ll announce our best blog posts from the previous year (in this case, 2010) in the following 5 categories: Best Picture (that would be a photograph), Best Screen Play (story you would make into a movie including the cast), Best Documentary (investigative research), Best Biography, Best Comedy. Write up a blog post with links to your best articles in these categories and submit it to the COG! Feel free to use the iGene graphic if you’d like. The deadline for submissions is February 1st
The best of 2010!
Best Picture:
This year’s “Best Picture” award goes to 1900’s Schoolroom. It is a beautiful old postcard-type photograph of some very well-behaved elementary school children. Hands clasped and in their Sunday best in a small town Minnesota school.
Best Screen Play:
I would love to see a movie made from my Papa’s WWII experiences. He earned 18 battle stars and a purple heart while serving as a Marine on the USS Cabot in the Pacific. I can’t even imagine what he went through. His ship was hit by a kamikaze, which is when he was wounded.
Best Documentary:
The “Best Documentary” award goes to Those Places Thursday: Herencia, Ciudad Real, Spain. It documents the history of this small Spanish town during the time period that my ancestors lived there. I still have a lot of unanswered questions, but I learned a lot by doing some simple research.
Best Biography:
Looking through my posts, I realized that I’m severely lacking in full-up biographies of my ancestors. Something to work on, definitely. I chose a post entitled “Madness Monday:Hedger Pierce“. I have still yet to find who his parents are, but I did finally find his death date!!
Best Comedy:
My Life is Laundry won for best comedy – although it’s true and I don’t know that I find it very funny! 🙂