Here are some of my favorite reads from this past week:
- Wendy shared a beautiful poem which her great-grandfather wrote when he left his sweetheart back home to fight in WWI. The post is entitled “Military Monday: Andrew Lee Brittain in WWI” Very touching and such a wonderful thing to pass down.
- Nolichucky Roots shared her grandmother’s “status updates” in Status updates from the past or how Grandmother beat Zuckerberg to the punch. She’d be a Facebook junkie for sure!
- I couldn’t help but laugh when I read the post entitled “10 things my ancestors did to annoy me” over at Caro’s Family Chronicles. Don’t we all have some ancestors like these? It keeps us forever searching…
- And I have to give a shout out to Wendy again, because she has been verified in the DAR!!! And she’s using the same ancestor that I will be when I get off my rear end and finish the paperwork. This is good news for me! 🙂
- I also think that you should go and visit Liz over at My Tapley Tree…and it’s Branches. She is my self-proclaimed stalker. 🙂 Not really. She and I met in line at the Atlanta Family History Expo and then continued to bump into each other again and again. After the Expo, she started her blog and then found mine. 🙂 I’m hoping to run into her again in Charleston this May!
- Amy Coffin, over at the We Tree blog had some great posts about blog commenting. Head on over there to read her post – and then turn off your word verification so that I can quit squinting. 🙂
- Would you like to win a dream vacation to your ancestor’s homeland? Head over to Ancestry and enter to win their $20,000 Ultimate Family History Journey Sweepstakes!! On second thought, please don’t. The less entries, the more of a chance I have to win….