And no, I’m not a member yet. I’m a slacker.
I still need to set aside the time to get my paperwork together and to get it checked and then printed out on the precious paper. 🙂
I was quite surprised by the meeting. I’m in Savannah, so I had envisioned old ladies in big, bright-colored hats, sipping tea. That wasn’t the case. We did have some refreshments and most of the people were considerably older than me, but no big hats, no huge formalities, and no tea. 🙂
The meeting was held at the botanical gardens, but naturally nothing was in bloom. We met in the Civil War Era building on the grounds.
They had a very interesting speaker. He wrote a book about his ancestors who were amongst the first settlers of Savannah. It made me again wish that I had some roots in this very interesting area.
I’m planning on attending the next meeting and hopefully getting my paperwork turned in before we make our big move to El Paso in June. Wish me luck!