I don’t yet know the exact connection of these people. Apparently, as the article states, the woman who married is the daughter of Nicholas Cossaboon’s cousin. Nicholas Cossaboon was my husband’s great grandfather. Looking at the info I currently have, I think that this Elizabeth Stowe who died may have been a sister to Nicholas Cossaboon’s mother, Mary Ann Clevenger. I will have to do more searching to find proof. I thought that it was an interesting article. It must have been a very tiring day.
This was published in the Millville Evening News, Millville, NJ on February 21, 1908.
All in Same House in One Day – Miss Brown the Bride of Mr. Biggs.
It was a busy time at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Brown, of 600 South Second street. At eleven o’clock in the morning Mrs. Elizabeth Stowe, wife of Thomas Stowe and a grandmother of the bride, was buried from her daughter’s residence, Rev. Willis Reeves officiating. Before Mrs. Stowe died it was her request that the wedding take place; hence at 8:30 o’clock in the evening Mr. George Biggs, Jr. was united in marriage with Miss Elizabeth Brown. It being also the bride’s birthday, it will be a day long to be remembered by all the relatives. Mr. Jesse Biggs acted as best man, Miss Ruby Powell, maid of honor, while little Mary Ayrer was very cute as a flower girl. The guests were:
Mr. and Mrs. George Biggs, parents of the groom, Mrs. Hattie Ayrer, Clarence Ayrer and Mr. And Mrs. Edward Felts, all relatives of the groom; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Brown, parents of the bride, and Rev. Nicholas Van Cossaboon, of Cedarbrook, a cousin of the bride’s mother; Mr. and Mrs Frank Guiffrs, Miss Lillian Pepper, Mr. and Mrs. Willis Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hopkins, Mr. and Mrs. George M Jones, Miss Clara Jones, Miss Sara Wright, miss Rosella Garrison, Harry W. Brown, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. John Bale, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Loper, Mr. and Mrs. Heisler Silvers, Miss Laura Powell, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Loper.
After the wedding a collation was served in the dining room. Rev. Magee of the Second M.E. Church of this city performed the wedding ceremony.
The News extends its congratulations and best wishes for many happy years of wedded life to the newly married couple.