Week 2: Winter. What was winter like where and when you grew up? Describe not only the climate, but how the season influenced your activities, food choices, etc.
I grew up on a small island in the Puget Sound. The climate there is fairly mild and the winters weren’t usually snow-covered. They were cold and the roads were icy, but we normally didn’t get the benefit of snow to play in.
So, when it did snow, we took full advantage of it. School was cancelled. We stayed at home and played.
I remember one year in particular (Feb 1990) where we must have gotten at least a foot. The roads were impassable and we walked a couple of miles down to a neighbor’s house and had some snowball fights.
I think that it was that same snowstorm that my siblings and I decided to build a snow fort on the patio. We used a large bucket, filled it with snow and then poured water in it. We’d then let it sit for a bit and then flip it over to form an ice block. We thought that we were going to build an entire igloo, but in the end we didn’t make it that far. We did get a couple of buckets high though and we still thought it was pretty cool. The patio ended up being completely iced over from all of our water pouring. We went ice skating – minus the skates.
My little sister – being a goofball like always. 🙂
Whenever we got snow, we would head up the hill past our home. It was a slow, steady climb to the top, but on the other side it was much steeper. This is where we went innertubing. We’d just hop on and hope we didn’t hit a tree. 🙂