Peter Henry Weeks died on 3 October 1928 in Lawrence, Kansas. This obituary was in the local newspaper.
Peter H. Weeks
Funeral services for Peter H. Weeks, age 86 years, who died at his home, 417 North Ninth street, early yesterday will be held from the Rumsey funeral home at 1:30 o’clock tomorrow afternoon and from the Methodist church at Vinland.
The G.A.R. and Ladies of the G.A.R. will have charge of the short service at Rumsey’s and Masonic Lodge No. 9 will have charge of services at the grave. Burial will be at Vinland. The Rev. C.S. Freark will assist in the services.
Mr. Weeks is survived by his wife, Mrs. Julia Weeks, two daughters, four sons, twenty-one grandchildren and three great-grandchildren.
Before moving to Lawrence some years ago, Mr. Weeks had been a resident of Vinland, where he knew and was known by everyone. He was a good citizen, a friendly man, and a staunch patriot.
During the war, when after the calling of our National Guard the cities of the state found themselves with no military organization, Mr. Weeks, then a man of seventy-six years old, joined the organization of Home Guards and drilled with them regularly until enough younger men were enrolled to make his attendance unnecessary.