This is exactly what I need – a plan of attack for the coming year. I have quite a few projects that I want to tackle. Here is a list of the major ones.
- DAR Membership: I think that I have finally gathered all of my needed documentation. I now need to print out my information on the fancy paper, send my application in, and keep my fingers crossed that I get approved!!
- I plan on getting a month-long Genline membership and working on my Swedish roots for a while. The records here are great and I know that there are ancestors just waiting to be found!
- Get John Edwards’ Civil War Pension File. I’ve just sent a letter to the VA and am hoping that I receive a response sometime in 2011!! I may need to call and remind them that I’m waiting. 🙂 It’s been about 8 years since I originally ordered it from the NARA and I WANT THAT PENSION!! I won’t take no for an answer. 🙂
- Find out what happened to Ella Jane Hattery (my 2nd great grandmother). I need to do some serious research on her. I am going to try tracking down some living relatives that might be able to answer some of my many questions about her very interesting life.
- Find out what part of Kentucky John Robertson was from. I need to take the information I learned about researching common names and apply it to this problem. Searching for John Robertson in Kentucky, before 1850 is going to be difficult, but I think that I can do it!
- Attend the NGS Conference in May and learn a lot of new things to help me in my research.
- Write out my children’s birth stories, before they end up being distant memories. 🙂
- Interview my parents about their early lives – and actually take notes or record them this time.
- Start researching my brother-in-law’s family in earnest. I’m excited about doing some Italian research!
- Contact my Papa’s 2 living siblings. See if they might have any old pictures or stories they are willing to share.
- Find out how to access the Leavenworth County, KS probate records and order/search for John C. Davidson’s will (and other Davidson family members also).
- Talk my husband into taking another genealogy-related trip somewhere. Maybe back to Virginia? New Jersey? Missouri? Iowa? I’m not sure where yet. We’re moving to El Paso this summer and we’ve decided that we’re stopping in Maine on the drive over. We are the only people I know that could possibly fit Maine into a trip from Georgia to Texas. The possibilities for genealogical stops are endless… 🙂
- Do a cemetery census of the Ulrich Cemetery in Douglas County, KS. Take pictures of all of the stones and rubbings where necessary.
- And finally (and this is a huge one) get all of the info I have in my big Rubbermaid container actually entered into my computer program so that I don’t waste my precious time by searching for it again.
I think that is probably enough to keep me busy this year!