John Glass was my 4th great grandfather. He died on 19 October 1840 in Franklin County, Virginia.
The following list of slaves was from the inventory of his estate. I hope that this might prove to be helpful to someone in their research! I will post the full inventory at a later date.
Here is a list of the slaves, transcribed so that it will show up in a search engine.
Negro Man Frank, aged about 45 years….300.00
Negro Man Jem, aged about 34 nearly blind…100.00
” Woman Louisa aged about 40 years…200.00
” Woman Annica aged about 45 years…175.00
Annica’s Child Milly 2 years old next May…100.00
Negro Boy Isaac about 20 years old…540.00
Negro Boy Harrison about 15 years old…450.00
Negro Woman Edy about 23 years old…400.00
” Boy Franklin about 12 years old…425.00
” Boy Kingston about 13 years old…400.00
” Boy Booker about 7 years old…200.00
” Girl Ann about 6 years old…200.00
” Girl Judith about 11 years old…425.00
” Girl Elvira about 6 years old…200.00
” Boy Wiley about 3 years old…200.00
” Girl Charlotte about 3 years old…150.00
” Boy Daniel about 21 years…550.00
” Boy Booker about 36 years…400.00
Is it just me, or does it seem like there is a very disproportionate number of small children? I wonder why.