As I was scanning slides last week, I found a few Christmas pictures amongst them. I thought I’d post them on this “grab bag” day.
I am going to totally embarrass myself here. Yes, this is me. I admit it. I have no idea why I’m wearing my brother’s GI Joe helmet and holding a gun – in front of the Christmas tree no less. Weird. I can honestly say that I don’t remember having this picture taken. It must be about 1985.
Here I am with by brother and our dog Nosey. It looks like someone was trying to hide from the picture-taking. It has to be my sister. I’m sure that by brother is thrilled that I’m posting a picture of him in his underwear. 🙂
And here is my sister, decorating the tree. Is is just me, or is that the widest Christmas tree you’ve ever seen? I think that it’s wider than it is tall! It looks like it’s taking up half the living room!
And here I am in front of a very little tree. I don’t remember this either. I wonder if it was on a table because my sister was probably at the age where she would pull everything down off of it.