It’s so hard for me to pick a “favorite” Christmas Carol, because I like so many. So, I’m going to cheat and post a bunch of my favorites.
Here are a few of them, in no particular order:
The entire “Rat Pack Christmas” Album. You can NEVER, I repeat NEVER, go wrong with Frank Sinatra.
If I had to pick one favorite Christmas song (traditional), I think that I would go with “Hark the Herald Angels Sing”
Elvis’ Blue Christmas always reminds me of my childhood. I guess because my mom played the record so often.
I personally love Enya. I think her music is magical. 🙂
Chuck Berry’s “Run, Rudolph, Run” is another favorite. I like all of Chuck Berry’s music though.
I also love Michael Buble’s version of “Let it Snow”
And Trans-Siberian Orchestra is so cool! Especially “Wizards in Winter”
And for something completly different, I give you Relient K. My whole family LOVES their Christmas Album. It’s very upbeat and fun and punk. 🙂
Like I said, I have MANY, MANY other favorites, but I’ll save them for next year!
Today is the last day to join in the Blog Caroling over at footnoteMaven!!