We had a fairly large family (4 kids) and often played games. It was mostly the usual board game fare of the 1980’s : Monopoly, Pictionary, UNO, Clue, etc.
The game that my father loved to play was RISK. And how I loathed that game. Somehow, he would sweet talk us into starting a game with him – and if you’ve ever played a full game of RISK before, you know that it can go on, and on, and on, and on.
I have memories of it being way past midnight, me getting my rear end kicked, but my dad not wanting me to quit. He wanted victory to come by really winning the game – not because I had given up.
I learned to steer clear of RISK. 🙂
And so what did I go and do? I went and married someone that loves RISK!! Thankfully, with the advent of the computer, he can sit and play all by himself. 🙂
I would love for him to sit down with my dad and play an all-nighter RISK game. I would happily get the snacks and drinks and stay out of the line of fire!
Want to join in on the Saturday Night Genealogy Fun? Head on over to Genea-Musings to see the full details of tonight’s fun!