This is one of those Thanksgivings that will go down in family history.
Just imagine what would be one of the worst things to happen on this holiday (well not WORST – no one was hurt thankfully).
My wonderful husband, who is the cook in the family, was getting a jump start by cooking a pie and the turkey the night before. The pie turned out wonderful. Then he put the turkey in. It cooked for about an hour, when the oven died.
So, we had a half-cooked turkey and no oven. Thankfully, we are in post housing with many neighbors. He took it across the street to finish it off.
I waited while the maintenance man came – and told me that he couldn’t fix it until Friday.
So, we are learning that the microwave can be used for much more than reheating leftovers. Potatoes, stuffing, corn, pretty much all of our side dishes are being made in the microwave. I’m just thankful that we aren’t having any guests!
It has been years and years since I had a huge Thanksgiving dinner with family. That’s life in the military. We’re always halfway across the country from everyone we know.
When I was a kid, we always had all of my dad’s brothers and sister (and their families) over for the day. My Aunt Colleen would make tons of pies. We would eat until we were bursting at the seams. Football would be blaring and us kids would hang out – one of the few times we would be all together each year. We would all be in a turkey coma by the end of the day.
One of my favorite Thanksgivings was when we got a ton of snow and went innertubing down the hill beyond our house. We normally don’t get so much snow that early in Western Washington (although I think that they did this year!).
I am looking forward to the day when we settle down and can gather together with family again.
I hope that you all have a very Happy Thanksgiving with your families!!