My good friend, Cherie Cayemberg, has just recently started her new genealogy blog – entitled Have You Seen My Roots? I encourage you to head over there and welcome her to the geneablogging community.
Cherie and I have known each other for quite some time now – longer than I’d like to admit. 🙂 We served in the military together and she was later a Drill Sergeant with my husband. She is a wonderful mom and a very talented genealogist. She is on the road to becoming a professional. I am excited about following her through her journey, so that I can learn from her. I’m waiting for her to blaze the trail for me. 🙂
Here is the “about me” blurb from her blog:
“After years of talking about becoming a professional genealogist, my loving husband told me to just do it. So instead of talking about it, I’m currently journeying down the path to accreditation (or at least that’s the goal). There are many things that will be thrown in my way, from PTA and Cub Scout meetings, mommy-ing, and (naturally) the challenge of actually preparing for and passing the accreditation! This is my journey. Presented honestly, and hopefully, without offending…”