After getting about 10 hours of straight, uninterrupted sleep in my king-sized bed (if you have little kids, you can appreciate the significance of this), I woke up ready to attend another day of classes. I was definitely more alert and well-rested than the previous day!
I took a chance and left some of my stuff in the car this time around. My shoulders thanked me for it. I really wanted to take pictures, but I was there by myself and for some reason I felt really weird about pulling my huge Nikon out and flashing away. I wish that I had done it anyway. 🙁
I met a lot of neat people between classes and during lunch, most from the Atlanta area. I didn’t run into anyone else from the Savannah area, but that didn’t surprise me since it was quite a drive.
As much as I enjoyed my classes from the first day, I liked the ones the second day even better. Here are the ones I chose. (and it was very hard to choose since there were 11 classes being offered every session!):
- Breaking Down Brick Walls With Location Based Genealogy, taught by Bernie Gracy. What a phenomenal class. He has a new website, Ancestral Hunt, which is still in beta testing. It is a way of uploading data on entire neighborhoods or cemeteries and being able to see how these people interacted and were often related to each other. It is a place to collaborate with other people who are researching the same areas. He gave a great example from his own research about how he used location-based genealogy to find out where his ancestors lived in Italy.
- Twitter, It’s Not Just “What I Had For Breakfast” Anymore, taught by Thomas MacEntee. I took his social media class the day before, but I really felt like I needed the complete Twitter class. I had signed up for an account months ago, but had yet to really use it. I can understand Facebook, but Twitter was a mystery to me. The hashtags and following were confusing. I’m glad to say that I now understand the ins and outs of Twitter and how I can use it in my genealogy research.
- An Introduction to, taught by Bernie Gracy. Many of the people who attended his first session returned for the second. While the first session was geared towards how to use location-based research, this one was specific to the site Ancestral Hunt. Standing room only again. They had to move him to a larger room for his last class.
- The DAR Library for All: Near or Far, Member or Not, taught by Jennifer Dondero. She worked for the DAR before starting her own company and is very knowledgeable. Since I am in the process of filling out my DAR paperwork, I was very interested in seeing what things I may have missed on the website. I also found out that she does NARA research and I’m considering hiring her to find my John Edwards Civil War pension records, which I have been trying to find for the past 10 years.
- A Ton of Thompsons? A Bounty of Browns? – Researching the Common Surname, taught by Deborah Campisano. Those common names often turn into a brick wall. I have a few of them – John Robertson, Francis Lee, Thomas Woods. It definitely makes it hard to pick them out of a crowd. This class showed some techniques for how to single them out. One of the record groups that I really haven’t used is tax records. I think that I need to look into that one.
When the classes were over, there was a closing keynote speech and then prize drawings. Do you think I won anything? Nope. I was really hoping for the week of research in Salt Lake City – as was everyone else! That’s okay though, I bought a few books and some back magazine issues which I’m very excited about reading. I also came home with a nerdy T-shirt which says “I’ve lost my census”. Yes, I’m a geek. 🙂
So, all in all my trip was a great experience! I have no regrets about going – even though I had to spend 9 hours in the car this weekend (after driving to Kansas and back earlier this week.) I think that I’m going to stay home for a while, though.
A few of the things I want to remember for next time:
- Bring snacks and drinks!
- Bring a friend! I felt like everyone else came with someone.
- Get a hotel room the night before so that I can be awake during my classes.
- Take pictures and don’t feel weird about it!
- Print the syllabus beforehand.
- Make sure that my phone and computer are fully charged.
I feel like I’ve had a nice practice run for the upcoming NGS conference in Charleston next year. Now I’m no longer a conference newbie. 🙂