I don’t have a picture of what I’m treasuring today. I’m too lazy to go take one at this moment in time. Honestly, it wouldn’t be that interesting anyway.
I am treasuring the plastic bag full of slides I brought home from my mom’s house this past August. Apparently, they were much cheaper than getting pictures printed out and so for a number of years, when my mom had film developed, she ordered slides instead of prints.
This has resulted in me missing out on huge chunks of childhood pictures, because really – who pulls out a slide projector and watches slide shows on the wall? Does anyone still own one of these that actually works? My mom still had all of the slides in carousels, but the projector was toast.
Anyway, my job is to buy a slide scanner and get all of these images digitized so that we can actually enjoy them!!
I am thinking that it might be what I ask Santa for Christmas this year. 🙂
Have any of you all had success in converting your slides to digital images? Any suggestions on which scanner to buy – or which one to stay away from?