As I do my research, I have to remind myself how much stuff can happen in a ten year period.
Trying to find family members from one census to another can be difficult. Marriages, births, deaths, and moves all make it harder. I often find myself asking my ancestors – “Why couldn’t you just live in one place?”
Then I have to laugh at myself. What are my descendants going to think when they look through my records? I’m sure not making it easy for them.
In the past ten years, we have lived in San Antonio and Fort Hood (TX), Monterey and Seaside (CA), North Pole (AK), and Savannah, (GA). We’ve added 4 children to our family.
If my descendants looked at census records, they would only see me living in San Antonio and then Savannah. Now I know that times have changed and I’m leaving behind WAY more records than they did. I’m going to be easy to trace. But still, it makes me realize that my ancestors could have been many different places during that 10 year spaces between censuses.