The Thornton and Pottgen families settled in Alton, Illinois – just across the river from St. Louis, Missouri. While we were on our cross-continent tour in May, I managed to stop by and find the church that they were members of: SS Peter and Paul Catholic Church.
James Patrick Thornton (1824-1887) was my immigrant ancestor. He lived in Alton, but moved on to Nebraska in the 1870’s.
His brother Phillip and his family stayed in Madison county, Illinois. They were buried in Greenwood Cemetery in nearby Godfrey, Illinois. I believe that it is owned by the church.
Philip Thornton born in Ireland 29 Sep 1831 and died 10 Feb 1898.
Margaret Thornton born in Ireland 10 Aug 1829 and died 10 May 1888.
Here is their son, James Paul Thornton. Born 19 Sep 1858 and died 3 Jan 1925. His wife was Catherine (1865-1948).
And Philip’s son Edward Charles Thornton (1868 to 1906). His wife Albertine.
And Philip’s son Michael:
I will post my Pottgen findings next week….