I’ve been out of it for a few days.
First with my hives. Yuck.
Then we decided to hop in the van and take a little drive. We went from Fairbanks to Valdez to Anchorage to Denali and back to Fairbanks again. Over 1,000 miles. In 2 days. It was a gorgeous drive with beautiful scenery. I don’t think I’ve ever seen that many mountains in my life. Everywhere we turned, there were more. Here is Denali (aka Mt. McKinley) which is impressively humongous.
And do you know what? I still managed to get some genealogy done. Because I’m sneaky like that.
While we were in Anchorage, we stopped at Ft. Richardson to get something at the PX.
And I managed to talk my husband into stopping at the National Cemetery on Post. I knew that my mom’s Uncle “Red” Walden Bergman was buried there, along with his wife June. He was stationed up here while he was in the Army and he ended up staying. This is the only picture that I have of him. I never knew him, because he died when I was 2.
I was worried that it was going to be hard to find the gravestone, but I was pleasantly surprised.
They had a book outside, full of all the names of the people buried there, with sections and grave numbers listed. If only every cemetery was as organized!
Here is his gravestone: