As I’m sitting here in my hotel room, recovering from this week’s maladies (strep throat followed by a cold – no fair!) and trying to block out the Disney Channel (I’ve got to keep the kiddos happy), I started thinking. Coherent thoughts have been few and far between this week, so I am happy to be thinking at all. 🙂
Anyway, I wondered to myself – why haven’t I joined a lineage society? Because those are the things that go through my silly mind when I have nothing else to think about. It frightens my husband, I’m sure.
So, I started looking around on the DAR website, which I have never done before. Shame on me!
I searched and found that I have at least 5 ancestors (that I know of) that would qualify. Dudley Glass, Charles Clark Moorman, Nathaniel Newman Hilton, Patrick Cavit, and Ambrose Garrett.
It looks like the membership process and documentation required are quite extensive, but I think that it would be worth it. Once I get settled into my new house this summer, I’m going to try to start the process of joining.
My question is – where do I join? We’re moving to Savannah, but it will only be home for a couple of years. When my husband finally retires from the Army in a few years, we will be settling down in Washington state. Do I join a chapter in WA or GA?
For those of you veteran DAR members, do you have any tips for me? What should I expect? How long does the process take?