I don’t have any family here in Alaska, so I haven’t frequented the local cemeteries.
We just sold our house in rural North Pole and moved into a hotel in downtown Fairbanks for the next few weeks. (SEVEN of us in ONE room!!)
It’s kind of nice being in town. Everything is so close by.
My daughter and I went for a walk this morning. We came upon an old cemetery and the caretaker (a very nice guy) walked us around and showed us some of the older graves.
The Clay Street Cemetery is the oldest cemetery in Fairbanks and is on the National Register of Historic Places. There are many old miners buried there and some Russian immigrants. I decided to take a couple of pictures, because I couldn’t resist.
I liked this one, because I thought it was an interesting name. Huhtasaari – that’s a different one, isn’t it?And this one is a Russian immigrant. I always wished I had some Russian ancestry, because I studied Russian in school.
Do you have an ancestor buried in this cemetery? I’m here for another 3 weeks. If anyone wants a picture of a specific gravestone, I’m more than happy to take one! 🙂