Patrick O’Connor was by 3rd great grandfather. He was born in Ireland and died in Hubbard, Dakota county, Nebraska:
Hubbard, Neb. Dec 20 -05
In the name of God Amen.
I Patrick O’Connor, being of sound mind and memory doe hereby make this my last will and testament.
After my just debts shall have been paid
1st I bequeath to my daughter Ellen the sum of two thousand ($2000) dollars.
2d. I bequeath to my Granddaughter Mary Thornton the sum of Five hundred ($500) dollars.
3d I bequeath to my daughter Anna (Mullen) Five hundred ($500) dollars.
4th I bequeath to my daughter Mary (Sullivan) Five hundred ($500) dollars
5th I bequeath to the Parish Priest of St. Mary’s Church of Hubbard Nebraska as trustee the sum of two thousand ($2000) dollars the provisions of the trust hereby established being
1 that the money shall be kept continually at the best interest paying instrument or loan:
And interest and principal paid…[becomes very hard to read]