The movers will be here on Tuesday. As in 5 days from now.
We’re spending this weekend taking furniture apart, throwing out the junk and packing up what we need to take with his for the next 2 months of being homeless. I know that I probably won’t get very much sleep, but we’ll be ready.
Last night I had a slight panic attack though. The thought of all of my genealogy papers and pictures being boxed up and crated and shipped across the continent scares me.
I have digitized many of my documents and pictures – and continue to do so when I have time. I will have my laptop with all of my info WITH me- thankfully.
But I still get scared that some freak accident will happen and my ancestors’ photos will end up with some missionary in China, or in a storage facility in Toledo. Never to be seen again.
Maybe I’m just being silly, I don’t know. It’s just that those are things that can’t be replaced. If they break my TV or my dining room table – so what? I’ll get a new one. The pictures and documents are different.
So, I’m reaching out to all of you fellow family historians out there. What do you do to protect your genealogy research during a move?
I have considered hand carrying some of the items, but I’m not so sure that they would be any more safe in a hotel room and in my vehicle as we traverse the country than they would in a storage crate. I’ve also thought about mailing some of them, but things get lost in the mail too.
I suppose that I should just get over it and trust that things will be okay. They’ve made it from San Antonio to Ft Hood to Monterey to North Pole without anything happening to them. I’m sure that they will make it to Savannah fine.
Please someone reassure me. 🙂