It’s time for another Carnival of Genealogy. This edition is hosted by Bill West over at West in New England. Thanks Bill!
I’m submitting this just at the last minute, because I’m a procrastinator. 🙂
The seasons of genealogy. Do you spend more time on genealogy research in the summer or in the winter, or maybe spring
or fall? How does the amount of time you put into research and blogging differ from season to season? Or perhaps you’d like to think of things metaphorically… which season is your genealogy research in?
This one depends a lot on where we are living. When we were in Alaska, I definitely got more research done in the winter when it was negative forty degrees and pitch black outside.
The thought of going outdoors was not very inviting and I was able to sit in my cave of a house and in my fluffy socks and spend hours upon hours on the computer.
When summer hit, the great outdoors called and I usually answered.
We spent the past year in Savannah and now we’re living in El Paso. I’m feeling just the opposite – the thought of melting outside in the 100+ degree heat is more than I can bear. I have a feeling that I’ll be spending more outdoor time in the comfortable winter weather.
So, I guess that I get more indoor computer research done whenever the weather is really hot or really cold. If it’s in the 50s-70s than I’d probably rather enjoy some fresh air. I definitely do most of my genea-trips in the summer months though. I don’t have any desire to dig through snow drifts in the cemetery!
And metaphorically speaking…
I have been doing research for about 12 years. I feel like I’ve been in the same really long season this entire time. I’ve been in the “growing my family tree” season of life. Going through 5 pregnancies and taking care of the resulting children has taken up a great chunk of the past decade of my life.
And I’m happy for it. 🙂 I know that I will have more time to devote to my research as they grow older and become more self-sufficient. I am proud of all that I have been able to accomplish during this season of my life – and am so thankful that I started my research at such a young age. For now, I try to involve my kids in my research as much as I can and I stay up way too late (after they’ve gone to bed!).