There were a lot of great posts this week. Here are some of my favorites:
- Dee over at Shakin’ the Family Tree posted a very haunting photo of a child’s funeral procession. It amazes me what you can find at flea markets.
- I just love the blog Family Tree Rings: An Ancestral Birthday Blog. It has a gorgeous colorful design and I love the idea of posts on each ancestor’s birthday – complete with gift ideas! Head on over there and check it out!
- I love antiques – especially when they are family heirlooms. Check out the beautiful Tennessee chair over at Nolichucky Roots.
- Head on over to She Finds Graves and give Kellie a big blog hug. Her relatives are driving her crazy this week. 🙂 I think that most of us have felt this way at one time or another.
- Those of you who are like me and at home instead of at the RootsTech conference this weekend, you can live vicariously through others. Read the We Tree Genealogy Blog and Olive Tree Genealogy Blog for updates.
- Jennie over at They Came to Montana has a great post on Ancestor Trading Cards she has made. They are so cool! When I have the time, I would love to make a set of these for my kids. I could use it in our homeschool as we’re studying history. I could even print their “stats” on the back. What a neat idea!