I do more laundry than seems humanly possible. As soon as I have gathered it all up, sorted it, run it through the washer and dryer, folded it, and put it away, every dirty laundry basket in the house is full again. I’m not exaggerating!
It’s to be expected though. I have a potty-training toddler who has accidents. She is also very strong-willed and HAS to change her clothes every time she spills a tiny bit of anything on them. I have a 4-year old boy who likes to get dirty and three other girls who like to change their clothes every few hours during the day – you have to have the right outfit on for each occasion, right? Add towels and bedding to that and you get an idea of what I mean. My life is laundry.
I try to remind myself that even though I’m doing enough laundry to clothe a small army, at least I have a brand new front-loading washer and dryer that clean and dry the clothes with a simple push of the button.
I can’t even begin to imagine doing our mound of laundry with something like this…
Or this:
Or one of these babies (although I’m sure they were quite the luxury of their time!):
Or one of these:
I’m starting to feel very thankful!
Now if only they would invent a machine to fold the laundry and put it away…