Whew, that’s a lot of last names!!!
My great-great grandmother is somewhat of a mystery to me.
She must either have been quite the character, or else quite the mess. I can’t decide which.
She moved around and married so many times that I don’t know what to think. I still have a lot of research that needs to be done, but I’m hoping that by putting it out here, some light bulb will go off and I’ll know where I should search next. Or better yet, maybe another researcher with some of the info I need will find me!
Here is a rundown of what I do know:
April 1880 She is born in Deloit, Crawford county, IA to Solomon Hattery (Sr.) and Martha Jane Mowery. She has 5 older siblings and possibly 2 step-siblings from her mother’s first marriage, although I don’t have any proof that they ever lived with or near her.
June 1880 Here is her family in the 1880 census, living at Deloit, Crawford county, IA.
1) Solomon Hattry, white, male, age 29, married, laborer, born in OH
2) Martha J, white, female, age 37, wife, married, keeping house, born in IL, father born in PA, mother born in IL
3) Solomon M, white, male, age 7, son, born in IA, father born in OH, mother born in IL
4) Minnie B, white, female, age 5, daughter, born in IA, father born in OH, mother born in IL
5) Anna D, white, female, age 3, daughter, born in IA, father born in OH, mother born in IL
6) James D, white, male, age 3, son, born in IA, father born in OH, mother born in IL
7) Elias, white, male, age 1, son, born in IA, father born in OH, mother born in iL
8) Ella J, white, female, age 2 months, born in March, daughter, born in IA, father born in OH, mother born in IL
1895 She is living with her mother in Vail, Crawford county, IA. Her parents were divorced.
1. Martha J. Haltery, age 53, born in Penna, white, Crawford, Vail
2. Elias Haltery, age 16, born in Crawford Co, IA, white, Crawford, Vail
3. Ella Haltery, age 15, born in Crawford Co, IA, white, Crawford, Vail
4. Lily Haltery, age 6, born in Crawford Co, IA, white, Crawford, Vail
23 Sep 1896 She is married to John Edwards in Denison, Crawford, IA.
June 1897 Her first child, Alma, is born in Denison, Crawford, IA.
28 Sep 1898 Her second child (my great-grandfather) Alfred Leroy is born in Vail, Crawford, IA.
5 June 1900. She is living in Herdland Twp, Clay county, IA with her husband John Edwards and their children.
1) John Edwards, head, white, male, June 1876, age 23, married for 4 years, born in IA, father born in Canada, mother born in MI, day laborer, unemployed 3 months, can read, write, and speak English
2) Ella Edwards, wife, white, female, April 1880, age 20, married 4 years, 2 of 2 children living, born in IA, father born in IL, mother born in OH
3) Alma Edwards, daughter, white, female, June 1897, age 2, single, born in IA, parents born in IA
4) Alfred Edwards, son, white, male, Sep 1898, age 1, single, born in IA, parents born in IA
22 Nov 1900 A son, Elton Elias is born. (He later changes his name to Mike Roberts, and says that his father was in fact a man named Perry Roberts. When you read the divorce papers below, you will realize that is very possible).
31 Oct 1902 A daughter, May is born.
8 May 1903 John Edwards files for divorce.
Petition in Equity, April Term 1903.
John Edwards Jr. plaintiff
Ella Edwards defendant
Petition in Equity.
Count One.
Plaintiff for cause of action states that he is now and for many years past has been a good faith resident of Crawford County Iowa.
Count Two.
That he married this defendant at Denison Iowa on the 23 day of Sept. 1896.
Count Three.
That from said marriage there was born four children viz: Alma aged 5 years past, Alfred aged 4 years past, Elias aged 2 years past and May born October 31, 1902.
Count Four.
That all of said children are now in the custody of this plaintiff.
Count Five.
That the plaintiff has at all times conducted himself towards the defendant as a loving and affectionate husband.
Count Six.
That the defendant disregarding her duty towards her husband has at various times since their marriage been guilty of and committed the crime of adultery in Crawford and Harrison Counties Iowa.
Count Seven.
That the defendant is not a fit person to care for or attend to the wants of said minor children nor is she able.
Wherefore the plaintiff prays that he may be divorced from the bonds of matrimony heretofore existing between him and the defendant and that he may be awarded the care and custody of the children and such other and farther relief as may be equitable and just in the premises
John Edwards Jr. [signed]
(He was awarded custody of the 4 children.)
1903-1905 She must have married Dave Rickman sometime during this period.
1905. She is in the Iowa State Census in Council Bluffs, Pottawattamie, IA.
1. Dave Rickman, 1312 W. Bway
2. Ella Rickman, 1312 W Bway
16 March 1907. She is mentioned in a newspaper article in the Clinton Mirror.
Solomon M. Hattery was struck by an Illinois Central train as he was walking on the track near the business section of Council Bluffs and injured so badly that he may not recover. Hattery lives with a sister, Mrs. Rickman. Hattery is at a hospital suffering intensely and is unconscious.
Abt. 1909. A son, Merle Rickman is born
26 April 1910 She is living in Chadron, Dawes, Nebraska – and she is divorced.
They were living on Egan Street.
1. John D. Knight, head, m, w, 37, M1 15 yrs, born in IA, parents born in IA?, speaks English, switchman for the RR, not out of work, out of work 4 weeks in 1929, reads and writes, rents a home
2. Emma Knight, wife, f, w, 36, M1 15 yrs, 5 of 5 children living, born in SD, parents born in Germany, speaks English, no occupation, reads nad writes
3. Charlie…
4. Cecil…
5. John…
6. Theodore…
7. Helen…
8. Ella Rickman, rooming, female, white, 29, divorced, 5 of 5 children living, born in IA, parents born in IA, speaks English, does housework, is out of work, was not out of work in 1929, reads and writes
9. Merle Rickman, rommer, male, white, age 1, single, born in IA, parents born in IA
17 Feb 1912. She marries B.F. Proffitt in Council Bluffs, Pottawattamie, IA.
19 Jan 1914. She marries William E. Kryselmier in Mills county, IA.
6 Jan 1920. She is living with her daughter May and her family. Her son Merle is living with her. She is still listed as married.
1) Robert L. Johnson, head, renting, male, white, age 21, married, reads and writes, born in IA, parents born in U.S., speaks English, Laborer for RR Co., wage worker
2) May R., wife, female, white, age 17, married, reads and writes, born in IA, parents born in IA, speaks English, no occupation
3) Ella J. Kryselmeier, mother-in-law, female, white, age 39, married, reads and writes, born in IA, father born in IL, mother born in OH, speaks English, housekeeper in private home, wage worker
4) Merle E. Kryselmier, brother-in-law, male, white, age 10, single, attended school, reads and writes, born in IA, father born in U.S., mother born in Iowa, speaks English, no occupation
1 Jan 1925. Iowa State Census. She is living in Council Bluffs, Pottawattamie, IA as a boarder. She is widowed and her son Merle is not living with her. He would have been about 15. What happened to him?
1) Charley H. Jaques, head, male, white, age 55, married, owned home, mortgaged, value of home $1000, $200 mortgaged, $400 insurance carried on home, attended grade school, completed 6th grade, reads and writes, born in IA, father Thomas V. Zaques, born in France, mother unknown, born in Ireland, married in England
2) Jane N. Jaques, wife, female, white, age 54, married, attended grade school, completed 6th grade, reads and writes, born in IA, father Frank C. Russel, born in MA, mother Mary Mitchell, born in NY, married in Chicago, Illinois
3) Ella J. Kryselmier, boarder, female, white, age 45, widowed, attended grade school, completed 8th grade, reads and writes, born in IA, father Solomon Hattery, born in IL, mother Martha J. Mowery, born in Illinois, married in Clinton, Ohio
After 1925, I’m not sure what happened to her. Did she marry again? Did she stay in Council Bluffs?
I have a lot more research work to be done on her so that I can fill in some of the blanks on the rest of her very interesting life…